If you live within a 5 mile radius, please contact us before you checkout to arrange delivery. We aim to deliver locally within 24 hours.

If we are delivering anywhere outside of a 5 mile radius then delivery charges will be calculated at checkout. Delivery usually takes 2-5 working days depending on the product.

We also offer a click & collect service which will be available to you at checkout.

We aim to deliver all our orders on time and in perfect condition. But on the rare occasion this doesn’t happen, please contact us as soon as possible.
Ideally, you should inspect your goods at the point of delivery, refuse any damaged items and sign the drivers delivery sheet ‘damaged’. This way, the courier can return it, and we can quickly dispatch a replacement. If you notice any damage after the delivery, please report within 48 hours.

Our FAQ page will help to answer any questions that haven’t been answered here.